Wednesday, October 9, 2013

And Ending and a Beginning



The photographs above were all taken in various parts of Virginia - mostly in historic gardens, though a few in wild areas.  My sisters and I were there for a while during September, visiting both historic and natural sites.  I was delighted and amazed at the variety of butterflies we saw.  (There are many that I wasn't able to catch up with to photograph - the swallowtails were especially difficult!)

I discovered once I returned home that I seem to be at an end with this particular project.  I love going outdoors with my camera - I spend lots of time appreciating things that are beautiful - but my life is becoming busy enough that it's difficult to keep up with the regular maintenance of a blog.  So...from here on out, a new beginning.  I think from time to time I will post collections of photos on a theme, as you see above.  But less often - much less often - and perhaps I'll spend a bit more time on the commentary.  In other words, like that caterpillar photographed above, this is going to turn into...something else.  I hope it will still be something that reflects the beauty of the world we live in.  That is still my intent.  But I may put more of myself into it, as well - reflections, thoughts, musings about where the day, the week, or the month has taken me.  I hope you'll join me, responding to those thoughts and musings.  Blessings, and thanks to those of you who have taken the time to follow me thus far.